Talk Test – A free and easy way to assess the intensity during training
You’ve heard the concept of cardio training. You decided to try to run, swim, ride your bike… without any assisting devices. However, you would like to know the abilities you have enhanced when practicing and how will that help you in your life. If you…
V02max can be improved in 100 year old – Proven!
The story that has put a huge smile 😊 on my face, and I believe it will do the same to yours! In 2000 the number of people older than 65 years was 6.9%. Projections say that up to 2050 that number will increase to…
What is my fat mass percentage?
Each person that invests certain amount of time in training probably asked himself “what is my fat mass percentage?”. So far, I have participated in numerous measurements of body composition with both professional and recreational athletes and interestingly every participant is always excited about seeing…
How to measure strength?
In previous blogs we emphasized the importance of conducting diagnostic procedures before the start of the training program. With knowledge about the state of the person in different abilities and characteristics we can very efficiently determine the loads and guidelines for quality development. Accordingly, the…
Role of motor control in training
The motor control refers to the control that nervous system has over the muscles which allows performing trained and coordinated movements. The motor program consists of commands that pass from the highest level (the brain) to the lower levels (nerves). In the performance of the…
How to construct cardio training?
Many people are not fond of cardio and they often avoid it. Yet, cardio should be a component of every health-oriented program. Cardio training gives us a whole range of health benefits: Increases calorie consumption Increases the consumption of oxygen mobilizes fatty acids Most people…
This is fast way to hypertrophy – Sleep!
Today’s society is focused on hard work, and taking time off is sometimes totally out of the picture. Further in the chain it often leads to increased stress levels resulting in injuries and illnesses. Rest is very important and don’t neglect it! Basic definitions we…
Methods for estimating body composition – Pros and Cons
Body composition is one of the most important indicators of person’s health. A high fat-tissue percentage is generally associated with a higher risk of various illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, different types of cardiovascular diseases and other chronic diseases. However, even the low percentage…
5 + 1 Benefits of Personal training
You are not into group lessons that much? As much as you try exercising on your own, you don’t see the desirable results in your body? Have you caused yourself any injury during exercise because you performed an exercise wrong and nobody showed you the…
Functional Training
The development of the fitness industry lead to changes in popular trends and program names. One of the popular today’s names in – functional training. What is all about? Almost every coach has his definition. Some claim it is a training without aids, others associate…