5 + 1 Benefits of Personal training
You are not into group lessons that much? As much as you try exercising on your own, you don’t see the desirable results in your body? Have you caused yourself any injury during exercise because you performed an exercise wrong and nobody showed you the correct way to do it? You are not feeling confident to exercise with other people? All you need is personal training!
Find below the 6 benefits of personal training and get ready to see spectacular results in your body!
- An exclusive fitness program will be created just for you.
Not all exercises are for everyone. A trainee should do exercises according to their age, the musculoskeletal conditions they may have (arthritis, cervical syndrome, back pain, tendonitis, etc.), their history of injuries, the posture of their body, BMI and overall health status (high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular dysfunction, obesity).
In addition, running or aerobic exercise programs are excellent for the cardiovascular system, weight loss and improvement in various areas, however they are not appropriate for everyone! People suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis as well as heart problems and circulatory disorders should not participate without doctor’s permission. Also, the braking impulse at contact phase on stride cycle can cause similar problems and a variety of leg problems such as plantar fasciitis.
Moreover, aerobic exercise can become as dangerous as running, such as causing tibial limb, achilles tendon lesions, armpit sprains and patella pains.
An overweight person must avoid jogging, jumping and anything that he burdens his joints.
Fast walking and generally aerobic exercises are more suitable as those types of exercise have less vibration, and muscular strength without a lot of weight.
So, taking into consideration all the above, it is understandable that the personal trainer will create a special fitness program just for you, depending on your body needs and your goal!
- You can exersice at your home or anywhere else you like
Our home can be the ideal fitness area. Your “personal gym” with a well prepared trainer along with the appropriate personal training equipment can compete even the top gyms. Whether you don’t like exercising at home or there aren’t the ideal conditions, personal training on stadiums, parks or at any outdoor venue is very trendy and covers the needs of those who love outdoor and non-outdoor exercise.
- Avoid injuries
During personal training it’s really rare to get injured as the personal trainer is
ALWAYS next to you in order to teach you the correct technique, therefore you will avoid possible injuries even when you practice alone in future. Also a personal trainer will provide you passive stretching in order to stretch your entire muscular system with special techniques, emphasizing to your short muscles. It is proven that passive stretching offers better and quicker results than the active ones. The benefits of passive stretching are several: avoid injuries, better elasticity, better muscular growth etc Overall, the stretching at the end of each workout is necessary for the muscular balance.
The duration of the passive stretching is 10 minutes at the end of the each training session but some people avoid it due to lack of time or because they don’t know the benefits. Now you know that you shouldn’t miss it!
- Musculoskeletal balance
It is very important for a personal trainer to evaluate your body posture from the very first session and correct the muscle imbalance that we all have due to several habits that we adapt in our daily life which cause back and body posture problems and poor technical performance of some exercises.
For example, if the muscles on the side of a joint are stronger than the ones of the the opposite side, the body tends to pull in the direction of the stronger muscles. For this reason the personal trainer plans a special fitness program for you to strengthen the elongated and weak muscles and stretch the short, strong muscles in order to have an equal attraction from both directions and balance between flexibility and strength of the muscles supporting the hinge or trunk respectively.
- Personal training is not a luxury type of exercise anymore and you can find it in affordable price
It is not a lie that personal training was quite expensive and for some perhaps a luxury. However, with its continued expansion and acceptance by all ages, personal training is nowadays more affordable for a large part of the world’s population, as well as in our country.
Personal training rates vary according to the trainer and his educational background, the place (gyms, home, outdoors, and even in specially designed spaces, see personal studios). The cost of the personal training may also be reduced if it’s done with more than one trainee (see semi personal or small group personal).
- You can choose the training that you like
Whether you like weight training or Pilates, the personal trainer can, in addition to adjusting the fitness program according to your goals and needs, design the program according to your preferences. This makes training more enjoyable and more fun!
For example, for someone who likes the martial arts, the personal trainer can include martial arts moves into the fitness program, which will please him because he does something that excites him, but will also cover the needs of the trainee’s fitness program. With the functional training, the options are thousands!
Personal training has tremendous benefits for our health. However, the personal trainer must estimate properly the situation of each trainee, make a proper planning and have a professional behavior.
Due to the fact that personal training has become a huge trend, there are a lot of ambitious “trainers” trying to take advantage of this but unfortunately they are not professionals at all. Learn how to distinguish the right Personal Trainer!