Sitting + spine = herniated disc
The spine is double S shaped, with the bends in the cervical and lumbar lobes projecting forward (the so-called cervical and lumbar lordosis), while the thoracic and sacral parts projecting back (the so-called thoracic and sacral kyphosis). These spine curves allow for greater mobility and…
Osteoporosis and how to prevent it
Osteoporosis is a disease of the elderly, most of them women, characterized by low bone mass, bone loss and increased bone fragility causing frequent fractures. Today, osteoporosis is considered to be one of the biggest public health problems, given the growing population of developed countries…
3 simple steps to decision that we will stick to
Just remember how many times you have decided something in your life. It used to be small, almost irrelevant decisions, and it used to be big, so-called life decisions or milestone decisions. Some, of course, were easy to bring and some took a long time,…
Breathing and resistance training
In resistance training it is essential to perform exercises by using proper movement techniques and breathing pattern. This is especially needed in more complex exercises such as squats, dead lifts, bench press and Olympic weightlifting (snatch, clean and yerk). In this text we will describe…
What is health? Life without colds
For many, a stuffy nose, sore throat and listlessness are familiar sensations at this time of year when the cold and flu season is at its worst. Having a cold is treated as a normal part of life. We tend to say that it is…
Hypertension is defined as systolic pressure at rest (SP or RRs) ≥ 140 mmhg and/or diastolic pressure (DP or RRD) ≥ 90 mmhg. Systolic blood pressure is the blood pressure exerted on the artery wall during the contraction of the myocard, and diastolic blood pressure…
What is my fat mass percentage?
Each person that invests certain amount of time in training probably asked himself “what is my fat mass percentage?”. So far, I have participated in numerous measurements of body composition with both professional and recreational athletes and interestingly every participant is always excited about seeing…
This is fast way to hypertrophy – Sleep!
Today’s society is focused on hard work, and taking time off is sometimes totally out of the picture. Further in the chain it often leads to increased stress levels resulting in injuries and illnesses. Rest is very important and don’t neglect it! Basic definitions we…
Health-enhancing physical activity and muscle-fitness training
In 2009, for the first time, more detailed guidelines for muscle-fitness training were included in the recommendations for health-enhancing physical activity. Exercise that improves muscle fitness had been recommended previously, but the instructions had been very general. Now, for every 18-64-year-old Finn who aims to…
Physical Activity and diabetes
Diabetes or diabetes Mellitus belongs to a group of metabolic diseases. In addition to diabetes, the most common metabolic diseases are hyperlipidemia and obesity. If they are not properly treated, they can lead to various metabolic problems, including coronary artery disease and damage to the…