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Category: Health

Sitting + spine = herniated disc

The spine is double S shaped, with the bends in the cervical and lumbar lobes projecting forward (the so-called cervical and lumbar lordosis), while the thoracic and sacral parts projecting back (the so-called thoracic and sacral kyphosis). These spine curves allow for greater mobility and…


Hypertension is defined as systolic pressure at rest (SP or RRs) ≥ 140 mmhg and/or diastolic pressure (DP or RRD) ≥ 90 mmhg. Systolic blood pressure is the blood pressure exerted on the artery wall during the contraction of the myocard, and diastolic blood pressure…

Physical Activity and diabetes

Diabetes or diabetes Mellitus belongs to a group of metabolic diseases. In addition to diabetes, the most common metabolic diseases are hyperlipidemia and obesity. If they are not properly treated, they can lead to various metabolic problems, including coronary artery disease and damage to the…