How important is stability and mobility to our spine rehabilitation?
Postural irregularities, daily activities in life, professional exercise, and physiological changes caused by aging expose the spine to an increased load that causes pain accompanied by spasm of the paravertebral musculature. It is estimated that 80% of people in the Western world have lower back…
Reduction of subcutaneous adipose tissue and / or increase in muscle volume while improving health status. Preferably everything. Simplified – better appearance and higher level of health. These are the goals of millions of workouts and fitness trainers worldwide. What role do title abbreviations play…
Functional fitness – how to do a training program?
You want to start with the training but don’t know how? A problem often encountered by trainers, but also by novice trainers who are unsure how to program their training. An individualized approach requires diagnostics and tailoring of training to the specific person, but parts…
Talk Test – A free and easy way to assess the intensity during training
You’ve heard the concept of cardio training. You decided to try to run, swim, ride your bike… without any assisting devices. However, you would like to know the abilities you have enhanced when practicing and how will that help you in your life. If you…
The role of muscle mass in sports performance
The role of muscle mass varies according to the sport and the kinetic profile. In general, the lean mass has a significant impact on performance, especially at sports that include the throwing of an object such as handball, basketball and athletic throws, or jumps (horizontally…
Hypertension is defined as systolic pressure at rest (SP or RRs) ≥ 140 mmhg and/or diastolic pressure (DP or RRD) ≥ 90 mmhg. Systolic blood pressure is the blood pressure exerted on the artery wall during the contraction of the myocard, and diastolic blood pressure…
Functional Movement Screen (FMS) – and what do research say?
Do you know how many results do you get when you type „Functional Movement Screen“ at Google search engine? 443,000! That demonstrates the popularity of battery tests that are now being used worldwide. Despite that, not everyone shares the same enthusiasm. According to Cook: “FMS…
What counts in aerobic exercise, the intensity or the duration?
Although the continuous aerobic exercise and HIT and LIT offer the same adjustments, they have different percentage change. The results of recent scientific studies show that the key for the improvement of the cardiorespiratory system and the physical condition of practitioners, is the intensity and…
V02max can be improved in 100 year old – Proven!
The story that has put a huge smile 😊 on my face, and I believe it will do the same to yours! In 2000 the number of people older than 65 years was 6.9%. Projections say that up to 2050 that number will increase to…
Comparing adaptations to the biological indicators of health between aerobic and anaerobic exercise and their impact.
The table below shows the changes in body composition of people who followed several protocols (6 months duration) in order to reduce their fat mass. Body Composition Time Period Resistance Training Aerobic Training Combination of Aerobic and Resistance Training Nutrition Body weight (Kg) Before After…