Generating muscle power & RFD – the 2 secrets for maximum performance and functionality
In both everyday life and sports, all moves last up to a maximum of 250ms, and especially in sports, they do not exceed the 150ms. In other words, everyone in order to be able to cope efficiently with the various required moves should act at great speed.
It is therefore perceived that the time to develop the maximum of the power is quite limited. For this reason, all experts conclude that in order to be efficient and functional, both in the demands of everyday life and in sports, what matters in not our maximum strength, but the percentage of power that can be produced in this limited time. Therefore, what matters most is the production of as much muscle strength as possible and the rate of force development (RFD).
For example the training of a Bodybuilding athlete and a gymnast athlete are different because their sports require completely different elements. The bodybuilding athletes are engaged in resistance exercises of isolated muscle groups with maximum and submaximal loads, thus increasing their maximum power, doing them with slow movements and on particular orbits (mostly non-physical), which make them quite cumbersome. On the other hand, the gymnast athletes have clearly less maximum strength but the duration of their exercises is small and require bigger muscle strength and cooperation of all body muscles.
And there is a simple question: Which one will be more efficient and operational in a state of emergency (eg avoiding a passing car) or in another sport activity (eg running 100m)? The answer is the one that can achieve maximum strength in a short period of time. That is, the one who has been trained in order to be able to produce muscle power and RFD: the gymnast athlete.
With the example above, we wanted to show you that for an efficient and functional human body, what matters is the production of muscle power and RFD and not just the maximum strength. This is why the Functional Training is more efficient that the typical gym training.
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