Everything You need to know about breathing
Respiration is gas exchange between the organism’s cells and the external environment. If you want, in figures it looks like this; The man at rest inhales about 12 to 16 times per minute, daily about 22000 times. There’s no need to worry about that number….
Mobility and flexibility – are they different?
As a Pilates instructor I am pleased that in fitness along the usual topics concerning power, strength, reduction of fat tissue, flexibility and mobility are finding their place as well. When talking to clients, students of Fitness college and colleagues we often discuss flexibility, mobility…
Low back pain – Key steps in exercise rehabilitation
What is the most common cause of LBP (low back pain)? The causes of pain in the lumbar spine may be different: injuries (automobile accident, fall, stroke), degenerative changes, tumors, due to sudden movements while standing up, rotation or lifting of cargo…. Dr. Stuart McGill…